Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: SA's Child Protection Expenditure 2022-23

18 March 2024

Policy Brief: Upper Spencer Gulf Development

7 March 2024

Download: Policy Brief - USG Planning 

This Policy Brief is a stand-alone version of the proposal in the SACOSS 2024-25 State Budget Submission calling for social impact and human services planning for the Upper Spencer Gulf. 

Policy Brief: Upper Spencer Gulf Development - Gender Issues

7 March 2024

Download: Policy Brief - USG Planning - Gender Issues

This Policy Brief is a supplement to the proposal in the SACOSS 2024-25 State Budget Submission calling for social impact and human services planning for the Upper Spencer Gulf. It highlights some gender implications of the development and the need for a gender lens in planning.

Policy Brief: Rental Affordability

20 April 2023

Download Policy Brief: Rental Affordability (April 2023)

This is an over-view of issues of rental affordability and SACOSS policy proposals. It is updated version of an earlier briefing note and contains data from the latest ABS survey of income and housing (2019-20), and December 2022 cost of living data.

Policy Briefing Note: Public Housing

20 April 2023

Download Briefing Note: A Better Public Housing Future

This Policy Briefing is a quick summary of the size of the public housing estate in South Australia (2022 data) and an analysis of the housing investment announced in the governments A Better Housing Future document.

Policy Briefing Note: Residential Tenancies Act Review

20 January 2023

This Policy Briefing Note is a quick summary of the SACOSS submission to the state government Discussion Paper proposing amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act - the major state legislation governing private rentals. SACOSS welcomes some proposals, but calls for a focus on rental affordability, including measures to make energy and water cheaper for renters, and a cap on rent increases.

Policy Briefing Note: Concessions Reform

20 January 2023

This Policy Briefing Note summarises the concerns outlined in SACOSS major State of Concessions report, and provides new and specific examples of the unfairness of the current concessions system.

Download Policy Briefing Note: Concessions Reform 2023


Fact Sheet: Digital Inclusion in SA - Regional Data

5 November 2021

This Fact Sheet extracts and summarises the South Australian local government area data from the 2021 Australian Digital Inclusion Index. Regional SA lags behind the Adelaide metropolitan area in digital inclusion, but it also lags behind the Australian average non-metro score.

Download the SACOSS Fact Sheet: Digital Inclusion in South Australia - Regional Data

2021-22 Federal Budget SA Policy Brief

12 May 2021

This Briefing Note lists South Australian specific health and community services initiatives in the 2021-22 Federal Budget. It does not summarise all Commonwealth spending in SA, but is designed to complement analysis from ACOSS on the budget as a whole, and just highlights SA-specific initiatives which may otherwise have slipped under the radar.

Download Budget SA Policy Brief