Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission on the State Infrastructure Plan - Discussion Paper

13 November 2023

Download the SACOSS Submission on SA's Next 20-Year State Infrastructure Plan - Discussion Paper

The SACOSS submission makes an over-arching recommendation for social impact to be considered in all infrastructure planning, and social impact assessment to be part of all significant infrastructure projects. The submission also provides links to relevant SACOSS work in relation to housing,...

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2024-25 Issues Paper

8 November 2023

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2024-25 Issues Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2024-25 Issues Paper

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2024-28 Regulatory Business Proposal

4 October 2023

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2024-28 Regulatory Business Proposal

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2024-28 Regulatory Business Proposal

Submission on SA Power Networks' 2025-30 Draft Regulatory Proposal

12 September 2023

Submission on SA Power Networks' 2025-30 Draft Regulatory Proposal

Download: Submission on SA Power Networks' 2025-30 Draft Regulatory Proposal

Submission on Draft Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill

4 September 2023

Download the SACOSS Submission on proposed RTA Amendments

The Draft bill contains a series of welcome amendment to the Residential Tenancies Act, including to ban no-cause evictions, to increase the rights of renters with pets, and relieve tenants of some water charges. SACOSS welcomes the bill, but has raised some questions for clarification and proposed a series of changes to improve the bill.

Submission on South Australia's Youth Action Plan 2023-2026

24 August 2023

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on South Australia's Green Paper on the energy transition

20 August 2023

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on South Australia's Green Paper on the energy transition

Download: Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on South Australia's Green Paper on the energy transition



Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Performance Reporting Procedures and Guidelines Review Issues Paper

7 August 2023

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Performance Reporting Procedures and Guidelines Review Issues Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Performance Reporting Procedures and Guidelines Review Issues Paper