Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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PC report supports calls for a basic level of water services for all South Australians

3 September 2021

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) welcomes the Productivity Commission’s recently-released final report into National Water Reform.

The report recommends updating the National Water Initiative (NWI) to actively recognise the need to embrace the realities of, and adapt to, climate change while also working to improve water rights and access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  

Action needed as renters living in “tin shacks”: 75 organisations urge state/territory governments to step up

1 September 2021

Seventy-five organisations from across Australia have written to state and territory Cabinet Ministers calling for minimum standards for rental properties to safeguard the health of
renters and protect them from the impacts of climate change.

On A Cold Winter’s Night

27 August 2021




On a cold winter’s night, we think of people sleeping in cars, or in the open, or in a makeshift bed in a strange room – the people driven from home by violence, poverty or circumstance.

Privatisation of SA electricity network increased inequality

16 August 2021

A South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on the Privatisation of Public Services in South Australia has found that the privatisation of the South Australian electricity network increased inequality.

Public housing sell-off has deep implications for SA community: SACOSS evidence to Parliamentary inquiry

16 August 2021

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) will today give evidence to an SA parliamentary committee that the selling off of public housing in South Australia increases inequality in the state.

The Legislative Council Select Committee inquiry into the privatisation of public services is looking at a range of issues, but SACOSS' evidence today will focus on public housing, where the last 30 years has seen a massive reduction in the public housing estate, as houses have been sold off or demolished for private land sales.

Smoke and mirrors hide housing crisis

5 August 2021

With  the state government’s announcement this week about tightening the eligibility criteria for public housing you could be forgiven for thinking the real problem is we have wealthy people rorting the system and taking the place of more deserving people.

SACOSS regional consultation: Hills, Murray and Mallee region reveals challenges and continuing resilience

5 August 2021

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) recently met with service providers and community leaders from across the Hills and Mallee regions in the areas of health, mental health, aged care, family services, local government, charitable organisations and more, to share information, highlights and challenges.

Over 1 million in lockdown on lowest incomes excluded from COVID payment support

21 July 2021

With lockdowns now in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, over one million people, including hundreds of thousands of children, are excluded from the Federal Government’s COVID Disaster Payments because they are on a social security payment, even though many have lost part-time paid work.

South Australian Council of Social Service CEO Ross Womersley said: 

Councils of Social Service speak out on proposed NDIS changes

12 July 2021

On 9 July, federal, state and territory disability ministers met to debate a proposal to introduce independent assessments into the National Insurance Disability Scheme.

State Budget spend risks leaving too many South Australians behind

22 June 2021

SACOSS welcomes the continued deficit spending strategy in the 2021-22 State Budget to stimulate the economy, but maintains our concerns that much of the spending is not well-targeted to assist vulnerable and disadvantaged South Australians.

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) State Budget Snapshot has been released this evening. The snapshot highlights a range of key areas: the good, the not so good, and some question marks.