Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Past Events

SACOSS Hardship & Affordability Conference 2015: Energy, Water & Telecommunications


The Conference in 2015 will showcase better practice in addressing hardship and affordability. Recent stakeholder conversations around Australia have identified the need to engage in positive action. This Conference provides the opportunity to consolidate collaborative approaches to prevent financial hardship, facilitate social and financial health and well-being and support businesses in dealing with their customers and communities.

SACOSS Sector Development Leadership Event


SACOSS invites leaders and managers from the non-government health and community services sector to attend this leadership event.

The event will focus on shaping resilient workplaces to manage through change, and continue to thrive in difficult and challenging times.

SACOSS 2014 Conference: Taxing Times - Sustaining Vital Services


The SACOSS 2014 Conference will be themed around Sustaining Vital Services, and will raise a range of issues which are of importance to our sector and to vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our state.

To find out more, visit the SACOSS 2014 Conference webpage