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So You’ve Made it to Manager - How to Survive and Thrive

This one day seminar is for the new inexperienced manager or the not-so-new  manager looking for a 'refresher course' to reinvigorate. This program has been developed to provide community service managers with the skills needed to effectively manage their team members and tasks. 

Participants depart with a large toolkit of practical tips, hints, techniques and ideas that they can use in their workplaces the next day, including:

  • Learn new supervisory, management and leadership skills
  • Becoming more confident in your ability
  • Start thriving rather than surviving

Details of the seminar program can be found http://bit.ly/MGMTseminarADEL1

When:  Tuesday 9 August, 9.30am  to 4.30pm
Where: University of Adelaide Club - Rumours Function Room, Level 6, Union House, University of Adelaide

To register visit http://pathwaysaustralia.com.au/our-services/professional-development/scheduled-seminars/

Scroll down to MANAGEMENT -  Adelaide location on the page and click BOOK NOW

For further information please call 1300 212212 or book online

Event Category: 
Tuesday, 9 August 2016 - 9:30am to 4:30pm