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Jobs Australia National Conference

Jobs Australia’s 2015 National Conference aims to help you to think in new ways about the services you provide and how they might align to the changing nature of work.

Employment and community services are entering a new era which is marked by a need to be more innovative and collaborative, ever increasing consolidation and never ending competition.  This reflects the broader social trends affecting markets, consumption and product development which are emerging as the major drivers of changes in the nature and future of work. And there’s digital disruption to boot.

Conference sessions will explore the promise of new approaches to service design and new ways to address wicked problems that are directly relevant to organisations delivering services under government contracts.

In framing the Conference program, we seek to address the increasingly diverse needs and interests of our member organisations and other not-for-profit providers of employment and community services.  To the extent to which it is possible, we want the Conference to be cliché and acronym-free as well.

In addition you can expect to experience the usual laughter, joy and insights from our line-up of social commentators and other presenters with stories you will not hear anywhere else.  Added to that are all of the opportunities you will have to network around with people like you from all over Australia – renewing old acquaintances and making new ones.

We are pleased to be hosted in Adelaide, currently enjoying transformation as a City of Entrepreneurs and Innovation.

What: Not for profit employment and community services conference
When: 29 - 30 October, 9am to 5pm
Where: Hilton Hotel, Adelaide

Registrations: https://secure.hotelnetwork.com.au/2015Jobs/home/program

Download the conference flyer here

Event Category: 
Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 9:00am to Friday, 30 October 2015 - 5:00pm