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Online: Heatwave and Bushfire Preparedness Planning for the Health and Community Services Sector

 Registration is closed for this event

This session is intended for organisational leadership across the H&CS sector, including risk managers, service managers and other executive managers, and aims to contribute to the above through sharing information about:

  • the long range weather forecast and environmental conditions for the summer period 2023-2024

  • emergency management agency preparations and approaches to planning for heatwave and bushfire response for people at risk

  • examples of how other service providers have prepared

  • hypothetical scenarios to aid discussion about potential improvements to agency preparedness plans and activities

Please note: the link to join the sesison online will be provided closer to the day of the event. 

September 19th, 2023 from  9:00 AM to  1:00 PM
Online via Teams
Phone: 0428 760 869