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Energy, Water and Climate Change

Submission to ESCOSA on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024: Draft Decision

20 March 2024

Submission to ESCOSA on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024: Draft Decision

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024: Draft Decision

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Net System Load Profile Approach

20 February 2024

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Net System Load Profile Approach

Download: Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Net System Load Profile Approach

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan

15 February 2024

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan

Submission to ESCOSA on the Review of Small-scale Network reporting requirements and prescribed customer consumer protections

7 February 2024

Submission to ESCOSA on the Review of Small-scale Network reporting requirements and prescribed customer consumer protections

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the Review of Small-scale Network reporting requirements and prescribed customer consumer protections

Submission to Productivity Commission’s Water Reform Inquiry

2 February 2024

Submission to Productivity Commission’s Water Reform Inquiry

Download: Submission to Productivity Commission’s Water Reform Inquiry

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on Amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 to establish a new planning and forecasting function

10 January 2024

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on Amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 to establish a new planning and forecasting function

Download: Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on Amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 to establish a new planning and forecasting function

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2024-25 Issues Paper

8 November 2023

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2024-25 Issues Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2024-25 Issues Paper

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2024-28 Regulatory Business Proposal

4 October 2023

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2024-28 Regulatory Business Proposal

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2024-28 Regulatory Business Proposal

Submission on SA Power Networks' 2025-30 Draft Regulatory Proposal

12 September 2023

Submission on SA Power Networks' 2025-30 Draft Regulatory Proposal

Download: Submission on SA Power Networks' 2025-30 Draft Regulatory Proposal