Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Changing the narrative on climate change and equity

The impacts of climate change are not distributed equally. Climate change is inherently a social justice issue, but our response to climate change doesn’t always recognise how the costs, risks and impacts fall disproportionately on those least able to afford and manage them. Our response to climate change cannot exacerbate or entrench inequality; instead, we should use this as an opportunity to improve our collective wellbeing and work towards a more equitable society – all while tackling the climate crisis.

Join the SACOSS Policy Team to consider how climate change is an opportunity to make systems more equitable and lift the collective standard of living and wellbeing of all South Australians. 

Date:   Thursday 28th September 2023
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Venue: Marjorie Black Community Room




Event Category: 
Thursday, 28 September 2023 - 9:30am to 12:30pm